Carl D. Gill

Why I Became a Financial Planner
When my grandparents passed… My mom inherited $250,000. In 1975 that was a lot of money then, but by 1985 it was gone. Unfortunately, she did not know how to: budget, plan, or grow her wealth. After she lost my college fund I was determined to never let this happen to anyone again. For that reason, I became a stockbroker in 1983 at Dean Witter.
As I grew my practice I began to “give back” to my local community; first as a Boy Scout Troop Leader and later as a big brother to inner-city families. For many years, I would drive into the city to pick up teenagers and pay them to rake the leaves piled up on my large lawn; this taught them the rewards of teamwork and planning. In between, I drilled them on learning their multiplication tables. Eventually, one of them became a college graduate in civil engineering.
Later on my dime, I flew to Biloxi, Mississippi to help homeowners repair their homes from the severe damage Hurricane Katrina left behind. Eventually, I went overseas to South Africa and South America through my church to build an orphanage, church, and AIDs clinics. It was truly rewarding to help and add lasting value to the lives I touched.
Over the past 30 years, I was invited to provide on-site Lunch & Learn Retirement workshops at General Motors. I still regularly receive cards in the mail from clients who thanked me for preventing them from investment disasters that robbed other co-workers of their retirement savings, pension plans, marriages, and life. This is why I became a Financial Planner to provide lasting guidance and be a blessing to others.
God Bless,